Raised so far
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There are currently 6,023 households living in poverty in Kensington + Chelsea. According to the Trussell Trust, for those on low-incomes, the cost of living crisis means going without essentials such as food, a warm home, adequate clothing or toiletries. This Christmas, these high costs will be felt even more, leaving many of our neighbours struggling to put food on the table and keep their homes warm.
Last year, through our Winter Appeal we were able to provide crisis support to more than 4,200 residents struggling financially. They received fuel payments, financial support, advice, or access to a warm space.
As we head into another very difficult Winter, we want to give residents a more sustainable solution – helping those who are looking for work to find meaningful employment that will improve their financial situation in the longer term.
We have identified local projects which will deliver impactful and holistic support to help residents into work. Alongside advice on barriers to employment like housing and child care, they’ll receive training and long-term mentoring. Many of our projects will reach individuals who find it particularly difficult to find employment such as young offenders, adults with learning disabilities and homeless residents.
‘Henry is in his 50s and had really been struggling to make ends meet. The benefits he received had stopped. He had no money to live off, was eating less and his personal hygiene had begun to decline. He was too proud to ask for help. However, thanks to the employment and mental health support funded by The K+C Foundation, Henry was offered a job at a local community enterprise bakery. He was given an advance on his wages which he used to wash his clothes, go to the barbers and reinstate his phone.
Now he walks a bit taller and talks a lot more. He works hard and is taking his food hygiene qualification. The team believe he is going to make an excellent baker.’
We need your help to support 1,200 residents, like Henry, into work. £400 could fund a year of intensive employment support for one resident.
We are thrilled that, thanks to the incredible generosity of The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust, every pound you donate to our Winter Appeal will be doubled* - so please donate today.
*matched pledge applies from 22/11/2023 until the appeal reaches £40,000.
**Enthuse charge a fee on all donations in order to keep the platform at a low cost to us but we understand that no-one likes paying fees so should you wish to not pay a fee; you can do so by clicking the dropdown button on the payment page and click 'other' at the bottom of the list. You can then enter zero and won’t be charged anything.